ENGLISH – Itsasmendi 1.0

Discover our history, philosophy and avant-garde craftsmanship through a visit and tasting of 3 txakolis paired with Km0 products.

Sold Out 25,00€

ENGLISH – Itsasmendi 1.0

Discover our history, philosophy and avant-garde craftsmanship through a visit and tasting of 3 txakolis paired with Km0 products.

Sold Out 25,00€

ENGLISH – Itsasmendi 1.0

Discover our history, philosophy and avant-garde craftsmanship through a visit and tasting of 3 txakolis paired with Km0 products.

Sold Out 25,00€

ENGLISH – Itsasmendi 1.0

Discover our history, philosophy and avant-garde craftsmanship through a visit and tasting of 3 txakolis paired with Km0 products.

Sold Out 25,00€

Igande, jai egunetan edo ordutegi berezietan etorri nahi izanez gero egin kontsulta on line